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AGM PACK / Culture Action Europe
Titre : AGM PACK : 17th General Assembly of Members Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Culture Action Europe, Auteur Editeur : Culture Action Europe Année de publication : 2009 Importance : 35 Langues : Français Catégories : Bilan ; Europe ; finance ; Politique culturelle ; Rapport Index. décimale : D.01.2. Européen Note de contenu : Here at Culture Action Europe, we are looking forward to our 17th Annual General Meeting, taking place around the September Culture Forum organised by the European Commission.
Culture Action Europe has been intensively involved in the processes leading up to this event, from the rather disappointing 2007 Culture Forum in Lisbon, to the adoption of a European Agenda for Culture and the establishment of the civil society dialogue platforms.
Yes the European Culture Forum can offer an opportunity for cultural actors to hear what is happening at EU level. Yes there will be interesting debates, and a chance to see some of the European Commission’s transversal policy in action. It’s a dramatic improvement on the range and scope of events offered by DG Education and Culture even only 5 years ago. We know however that these large-scale events are most important for what happens afterwards, and what individuals and organisations can meaningfully take back to their own work.
How to ensure that a European Agenda for Culture can develop over time and deliver some concrete results, that there be some ownership for the cultural policies in Europe beyond an elite group of the initiated, and be understood as not just a project of a distant EU institution, but something that is taken up and defended by national ministries, local authorities, and most importantly artists and practitioners across Europe.
Facing a busy period in the EU institutions ahead for the next period, we are focusing on where we can really make a difference. Read Chris Torch on Sweden’s presidency and how culture can be seen at all in an EU where the autumn will be dominated by the Copenhagen summit on climate change. With global issues dominating, Dragan Klaic also reminds us that many organisations in Central and Eastern Europe are under threat as cuts follow the financial crisis, leaving the independent sector without resources.
At the beginning of a new parliamentary mandate and with a new Commission about to be appointed, let us not be cynical in the face of these steps towards establishing the Arts and Culture as a fundamental building block of the European project. Culture Action Europe and its members will be there in force to make their voices heard, even in a crowded room.AGM PACK : 17th General Assembly of Members [texte imprimé] / Culture Action Europe, Auteur . - [S.l.] : Culture Action Europe, 2009 . - 35.
Langues : Français
Catégories : Bilan ; Europe ; finance ; Politique culturelle ; Rapport Index. décimale : D.01.2. Européen Note de contenu : Here at Culture Action Europe, we are looking forward to our 17th Annual General Meeting, taking place around the September Culture Forum organised by the European Commission.
Culture Action Europe has been intensively involved in the processes leading up to this event, from the rather disappointing 2007 Culture Forum in Lisbon, to the adoption of a European Agenda for Culture and the establishment of the civil society dialogue platforms.
Yes the European Culture Forum can offer an opportunity for cultural actors to hear what is happening at EU level. Yes there will be interesting debates, and a chance to see some of the European Commission’s transversal policy in action. It’s a dramatic improvement on the range and scope of events offered by DG Education and Culture even only 5 years ago. We know however that these large-scale events are most important for what happens afterwards, and what individuals and organisations can meaningfully take back to their own work.
How to ensure that a European Agenda for Culture can develop over time and deliver some concrete results, that there be some ownership for the cultural policies in Europe beyond an elite group of the initiated, and be understood as not just a project of a distant EU institution, but something that is taken up and defended by national ministries, local authorities, and most importantly artists and practitioners across Europe.
Facing a busy period in the EU institutions ahead for the next period, we are focusing on where we can really make a difference. Read Chris Torch on Sweden’s presidency and how culture can be seen at all in an EU where the autumn will be dominated by the Copenhagen summit on climate change. With global issues dominating, Dragan Klaic also reminds us that many organisations in Central and Eastern Europe are under threat as cuts follow the financial crisis, leaving the independent sector without resources.
At the beginning of a new parliamentary mandate and with a new Commission about to be appointed, let us not be cynical in the face of these steps towards establishing the Arts and Culture as a fundamental building block of the European project. Culture Action Europe and its members will be there in force to make their voices heard, even in a crowded room.Exemplaires
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Titre : Culture for Health and Well-being Compendium : A Guide for Practitioners Type de document : document électronique Auteurs : Mafalda Dâmaso, Auteur ; Sophie Dowden, Auteur ; Calum Smith, Auteur ; Collectif, Auteur Editeur : Culture Action Europe Année de publication : 2023 Importance : 47 p. Présentation : ill.,photos Langues : Anglais Catégories : Culture ; Etude ; Europe ; Guide ; Santé Mots-clés : cultural intervention' 'EU' 'healthcare' 'well-being' Index. décimale : B.03.10. Santé Note de contenu : The Culture for Health and Well-being Compendium is a very practical guide for those interested to design, improve or scale up effective cultural interventions aimed at improving health and well-being.
CultureForHealth reflects the European Commission’s recognition that culture can have health and well-being benefits. But what are these benefits exactly and how can they be unleashed and supported by European, national and local actors and decision-makers? These questions were among the starting points of the CultureForHealth report, which summarises a review of existing academic studies and other documents and makes recommendations with the aim of triggering policy change and bringing the health, cultural and social fields closer together.
How can this knowledge be used as inspiration by cultural organisations across Europe? To provide an answer to this question, alongside the research and policy report, CultureForHealth also supported six pilot projects across Europe, which you will find in Chapter 2 of this compendium. The projects provide examples of cultural interventions focused on generating a health and well-being impact, and building bridges between local actors and EU policymakers. This compendium reflects on the lessons learned from these projects.
Finally, to facilitate cross-sectoral and trans-European cooperation aiming at both sharing, collecting and creating knowledge, CultureForHealth also developed a series of roundtables and study visits to Denmark, Italy and Romania, webinars and workshops – whose learnings also contributed to the writing of this document.En ligne : [...] Culture for Health and Well-being Compendium : A Guide for Practitioners [document électronique] / Mafalda Dâmaso, Auteur ; Sophie Dowden, Auteur ; Calum Smith, Auteur ; Collectif, Auteur . - [S.l.] : Culture Action Europe, 2023 . - 47 p. : ill.,photos.
Langues : Anglais
Catégories : Culture ; Etude ; Europe ; Guide ; Santé Mots-clés : cultural intervention' 'EU' 'healthcare' 'well-being' Index. décimale : B.03.10. Santé Note de contenu : The Culture for Health and Well-being Compendium is a very practical guide for those interested to design, improve or scale up effective cultural interventions aimed at improving health and well-being.
CultureForHealth reflects the European Commission’s recognition that culture can have health and well-being benefits. But what are these benefits exactly and how can they be unleashed and supported by European, national and local actors and decision-makers? These questions were among the starting points of the CultureForHealth report, which summarises a review of existing academic studies and other documents and makes recommendations with the aim of triggering policy change and bringing the health, cultural and social fields closer together.
How can this knowledge be used as inspiration by cultural organisations across Europe? To provide an answer to this question, alongside the research and policy report, CultureForHealth also supported six pilot projects across Europe, which you will find in Chapter 2 of this compendium. The projects provide examples of cultural interventions focused on generating a health and well-being impact, and building bridges between local actors and EU policymakers. This compendium reflects on the lessons learned from these projects.
Finally, to facilitate cross-sectoral and trans-European cooperation aiming at both sharing, collecting and creating knowledge, CultureForHealth also developed a series of roundtables and study visits to Denmark, Italy and Romania, webinars and workshops – whose learnings also contributed to the writing of this document.En ligne : [...] Réservation
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