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1 résultat(s) recherche sur le mot-clé ''changement de climat''

Titre : Towards a Just, Dignified and Secure Future of Work : Lessons from India Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Collectif, Auteur ; Basole Amit, Auteur ; Radhicka Kapoor, Auteur Editeur : Ahmedabad [Indes] : SEWA- Self Employed Women's Association Année de publication : 2019 Importance : 356 p. Présentation : tabl., photos, graph. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-81-942996-0-8 Prix : € 3,80 Langues : Anglais Catégories : Écologie ; Etude ; Mondialisation ; transition ; Travail Mots-clés : 'l'avenir du travail' 'changement de climat' 'globalisation' 'travailleurs' 'travailleuses' 'Indes' 'développement' 'le Sud' Index. décimale : F.05 Transition et développement durable Note de contenu : In order to understand and effectively respond to the challenges emerging from the transformations in the world of work, the ILO formed the Global Commission on the Future of Work in August 2017. ( ) This volume brings together short reflections from the Global Commissioners who have served on this Commission. ( ) The key themes that the authors were asked to reflect upon were informality, climate change, technological change, globalization, changing markets, and the changing role of the state.
This book provides a valuable tool to help us understand the challenges informal workers face, and how to address them.En ligne : Towards a Just, Dignified and Secure Future of Work : Lessons from India [texte imprimé] / Collectif, Auteur ; Basole Amit, Auteur ; Radhicka Kapoor, Auteur . - Ahmedabad (Indes) : SEWA- Self Employed Women's Association, 2019 . - 356 p. : tabl., photos, graph.
ISBN : 978-81-942996-0-8 : € 3,80
Langues : Anglais
Catégories : Écologie ; Etude ; Mondialisation ; transition ; Travail Mots-clés : 'l'avenir du travail' 'changement de climat' 'globalisation' 'travailleurs' 'travailleuses' 'Indes' 'développement' 'le Sud' Index. décimale : F.05 Transition et développement durable Note de contenu : In order to understand and effectively respond to the challenges emerging from the transformations in the world of work, the ILO formed the Global Commission on the Future of Work in August 2017. ( ) This volume brings together short reflections from the Global Commissioners who have served on this Commission. ( ) The key themes that the authors were asked to reflect upon were informality, climate change, technological change, globalization, changing markets, and the changing role of the state.
This book provides a valuable tool to help us understand the challenges informal workers face, and how to address them.En ligne : Réservation
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