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1 résultat(s) recherche sur le mot-clé ''Art History''
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Titre : Productive Archiving : Artistic Strategies, Future Memories, and Fluid Identities Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Ernst van Alphen, Directeur de publication, rédacteur en chef ; Collectif, Auteur Editeur : Amsterdam [Nederlanden] : Valiz Année de publication : 2023 Importance : 272 p. Présentation : photos NB ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-94-93246-16-4 Prix : € 25,- Note générale : Contributors: Ernst van Alphen, Aleida Assmann, Annet Dekker, Lars Ebert, Sebastián Díaz Morales, Monika Huber, William Kentridge, Pablo Lerma, Inge Meijer, Santu Mofokeng, Merapi Obermayer, Walid Raad, Ana Paula Saab, Drew Sawyer, Carla Subrizi, Marjan Teeuwen, Daria Tuminas, Jeffrey Wallen Langues : Anglais Catégories : Archive ; Art ; Histoire de l'Art ; Identité Mots-clés : Histoire de l'Art' 'Archive' 'Identité' 'Mémoire' 'Art History' 'Identity' 'Memories' Index. décimale : A.03. Méthodologie Note de contenu : Productive Archiving discusses a variety of problems archival organizations. It mainly focuses on the following three issues with archival organizations that are usually overlooked: first, the question of inclusion in or exclusion from the archive;
second, the loss of individuality and specificity in the archive, the danger of homogenization;
and third, that archiving may become a form of pigeonholing, boxing specific identities into a confined space.
Avoiding the archive because of these problems is not an option, because archival organization is a basic symbolic mode on the basis of which we organize our lives, the past, the present and the future. What this book suggests is that it is best to explore constructive and creative solutions for these problems. Especially artistic archives seem to be able to develop these possible solutions, because they offer speculative, unexpected ways to order, select, and narrate specific information, and bring about new connections and archival organizations.En ligne : Productive Archiving : Artistic Strategies, Future Memories, and Fluid Identities [texte imprimé] / Ernst van Alphen, Directeur de publication, rédacteur en chef ; Collectif, Auteur . - Amsterdam (Gebouw Het Sieraad Studio K34-K36, Postjesweg 1, 1057, Nederlanden) : Valiz, 2023 . - 272 p. : photos NB.
ISBN : 978-94-93246-16-4 : € 25,-
Contributors: Ernst van Alphen, Aleida Assmann, Annet Dekker, Lars Ebert, Sebastián Díaz Morales, Monika Huber, William Kentridge, Pablo Lerma, Inge Meijer, Santu Mofokeng, Merapi Obermayer, Walid Raad, Ana Paula Saab, Drew Sawyer, Carla Subrizi, Marjan Teeuwen, Daria Tuminas, Jeffrey Wallen
Langues : Anglais
Catégories : Archive ; Art ; Histoire de l'Art ; Identité Mots-clés : Histoire de l'Art' 'Archive' 'Identité' 'Mémoire' 'Art History' 'Identity' 'Memories' Index. décimale : A.03. Méthodologie Note de contenu : Productive Archiving discusses a variety of problems archival organizations. It mainly focuses on the following three issues with archival organizations that are usually overlooked: first, the question of inclusion in or exclusion from the archive;
second, the loss of individuality and specificity in the archive, the danger of homogenization;
and third, that archiving may become a form of pigeonholing, boxing specific identities into a confined space.
Avoiding the archive because of these problems is not an option, because archival organization is a basic symbolic mode on the basis of which we organize our lives, the past, the present and the future. What this book suggests is that it is best to explore constructive and creative solutions for these problems. Especially artistic archives seem to be able to develop these possible solutions, because they offer speculative, unexpected ways to order, select, and narrate specific information, and bring about new connections and archival organizations.En ligne : Réservation
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