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Arts council of Finland
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Human rights and cultural policies in a changing Europe. / Rod Fisher
Titre : Human rights and cultural policies in a changing Europe. : the right to participate in cultural life Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Rod Fisher, Auteur ; Brian Groombridge, Auteur ; Julia Häusermann, Auteur ; Ritva Mitchell, Auteur Editeur : Helsinki : Arts council of Finland Année de publication : 1994 Importance : 1 vol. (216 p.) Format : 24 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-951-47-9822-1 Langues : Anglais Catégories : Droit de l'homme ; Europe ; Politique culturelle Mots-clés : Généralités (Politiques culturelles - Europe) Index. décimale : D.01.2.2. Union européenne Résumé : This book contains reports on the presentations and discussions of the Helsinki Round Table, 30 April - 2 May 1993, on 'Human Rights and cultural policies in a changing Europe- The right to participate in cultural life', together with the Conclusions and recommendations adopted by the participants. These are published in order to promote greater awareness of the nature and scope of culural rights protected in international lauw, and to contribute to the reflection and action of the Council of Europe and of other international organizations in the field of cultural rights. (4ème couv.) Human rights and cultural policies in a changing Europe. : the right to participate in cultural life [texte imprimé] / Rod Fisher, Auteur ; Brian Groombridge, Auteur ; Julia Häusermann, Auteur ; Ritva Mitchell, Auteur . - Helsinki : Arts council of Finland, 1994 . - 1 vol. (216 p.) ; 24 cm.
ISBN : 978-951-47-9822-1
Langues : Anglais
Catégories : Droit de l'homme ; Europe ; Politique culturelle Mots-clés : Généralités (Politiques culturelles - Europe) Index. décimale : D.01.2.2. Union européenne Résumé : This book contains reports on the presentations and discussions of the Helsinki Round Table, 30 April - 2 May 1993, on 'Human Rights and cultural policies in a changing Europe- The right to participate in cultural life', together with the Conclusions and recommendations adopted by the participants. These are published in order to promote greater awareness of the nature and scope of culural rights protected in international lauw, and to contribute to the reflection and action of the Council of Europe and of other international organizations in the field of cultural rights. (4ème couv.) Réservation
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