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1 résultat(s) recherche sur le mot-clé ''on-demand economy''

Titre : Data driven disruptive commons-based models Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Collectif, Auteur Mention d'édition : V1.0 Editeur : Amsterdam [Les Pays-Bas] : WAAG Année de publication : 2018 Importance : 269 p. (En deux tomes) Présentation : ill.,graph.,tabl. Prix : € - Note générale : Author(s): Carlo Vercellone (Dir. CNRS-CEMTI) Francesco Brancaccio (CNRS-CEMTI), Alfonso
Giuliani (CNRS), Federico Puletti (Université Paris Nanterre), Giulia Rocchi (CNRS), Pierluigi
Vattimo (CNRS-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique).
Editors: (WAAG),(UOC), (IMI)Langues : Anglais Catégories : Commons ; économie collaborative Mots-clés : 'platform model' 'knowledge commons' 'platform cooperatives' 'commons' 'e-commerce' 'free digital labour' 'on-demand economy' 'platform capitalism' 'data-driven' 'transition' Index. décimale : F.05 Transition et développement durable Note de contenu : This deliverable aims at characterizing alternative production models based on two schools of thought: the logic of the knowledge commons, and platform cooperatives.
Building on the analysis undertaken in the D2.2, it will give particular attention to the forms of organisation of ‘work’. This will be linked to the other principles that make it possible to define a commons-based production model, alternative to that of capitalist platforms: governance rules; financing models; conception of technologies;legal models of ownership of the means of production (in particular the management
of algorithms and data). With this in mind, the report will be divided into two parts which, although closely
linked, can be read independently by the hurried reader.En ligne : [...] Data driven disruptive commons-based models [texte imprimé] / Collectif, Auteur . - V1.0 . - Amsterdam (Les Pays-Bas) : WAAG, 2018 . - 269 p. (En deux tomes) : ill.,graph.,tabl.
€ -
Author(s): Carlo Vercellone (Dir. CNRS-CEMTI) Francesco Brancaccio (CNRS-CEMTI), Alfonso
Giuliani (CNRS), Federico Puletti (Université Paris Nanterre), Giulia Rocchi (CNRS), Pierluigi
Vattimo (CNRS-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique).
Editors: (WAAG),(UOC), (IMI)
Langues : Anglais
Catégories : Commons ; économie collaborative Mots-clés : 'platform model' 'knowledge commons' 'platform cooperatives' 'commons' 'e-commerce' 'free digital labour' 'on-demand economy' 'platform capitalism' 'data-driven' 'transition' Index. décimale : F.05 Transition et développement durable Note de contenu : This deliverable aims at characterizing alternative production models based on two schools of thought: the logic of the knowledge commons, and platform cooperatives.
Building on the analysis undertaken in the D2.2, it will give particular attention to the forms of organisation of ‘work’. This will be linked to the other principles that make it possible to define a commons-based production model, alternative to that of capitalist platforms: governance rules; financing models; conception of technologies;legal models of ownership of the means of production (in particular the management
of algorithms and data). With this in mind, the report will be divided into two parts which, although closely
linked, can be read independently by the hurried reader.En ligne : [...] Réservation
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Data driven disruptive commons-based models.PDFURL