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1 résultat(s) recherche sur le mot-clé ''Portraits of artists''
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Titre : Portraits of artists Type de document : document graphique à deux dimensions Auteurs : Alain De Wasseige, Directeur de publication, rédacteur en chef ; Collectif, Artiste ; Collectif, Auteur Editeur : Bruxelles [Belgique] : Fondation SMartBe Année de publication : 2015 Autre Editeur : Crisnée [Belgique] : Yellow now Importance : 210 p. Présentation : ill.,photos ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-2-87340-378-2 Prix : € 25,- Note générale : Texts: Xavier Canonne, François Coadou, Pauline de Laboulaye, Virginie Devillez, Alain de Wasseige, Sabine Forero,Julek Jurowicz, Eric Min, Aline Pujo, Daniel Vander Gucht
Philip Akkerman, Hélène Amouzou, Alain Bachet, Stephan Balleux, Fred Bervoets, Pierre Bettencourt, Michel Binstok, Tatiana Bohm, Christian Boltanski, Roland Breucker, Jacques Brissot, Pierre Buraglio, Christian Carez, Luciano Castelli, Thomas Chable, Jacques Charlier, Jean-Jules Chasse-Pot, Daniel Chust Peters,Cathy Coëz, Jérôme Considérant, Philippe De Gobert, Lara Denil, Alessandro Filippini, Gérard Fromanger, Manuel Hermia, Teun Hocks, Louis Jammes, Jirí Kolár, Marie-Jo Lafontaine, Sophie Langhor, Jean Le Gac, Matthias Lehmann, Jacques Lennep, Emilio López-Menchero, Jean-Claude Loubières, Frank Maieu, Jean-Pierre Marquet, Michaël Matthys, Raymond Minnen, Pierre Molinier, Johan Muyle, Fabrice Neaud, N.V. Paneel, Benoit Piret, Jean-Pierre Ransonnet, Laurent Sfar, André Stas, Boris Thiébaut, Fanny Viollet, Wang Wei Quartet, Thierry Zéno
Interview: Julek Jurowicz by Quentin de Ghellinck
Langues : Anglais Langues originales : Français Néerlandais Catégories : Art plastique ; Catalogue ; Collection SMartBe ; Economie sociale ; SMart Mots-clés : 'SMartBe collection' 'Portraits of artists' 'artists' 'social economy corporate collection' 'selfportrait' Index. décimale : L. SMart Note de contenu : Portraits d’artistes (Portraits of artists) is a contemporary art collection that is one of a kind in Europe. Its originality lies in the theme: a multifarious interrogation into the artist's identity and their creation. This ongoing project was initiated in 2008 by a social economy structure that works to defend artists and accompany them along their professional path: a commitment that is the foundation for the collection's central theme.
The collection is built around a multiplicity of approaches: continuity in the history of art, especially via citations by contemporary artists and reinterpretations of old masterpieces; affirmation of the artist's place both in society and confronting it; a stroll through psychological dimensions of creation; and portraits of real or fictitious authors. Thus Portraits of Artists has taken shape, a panorama of the way artists of today and their predecessors since the 1960s display and stage their practices and, in so doing, build an image of themselves.
En ligne : file:///C:/Users/vej/OneDrive%20-%20Smart/Documents/COLLECTION/CATALOGUE/Catalog [...] Portraits of artists [document graphique à deux dimensions] / Alain De Wasseige, Directeur de publication, rédacteur en chef ; Collectif, Artiste ; Collectif, Auteur . - Bruxelles (Belgique) : Fondation SMartBe : Crisnée (4367, Belgique) : Yellow now, 2015 . - 210 p. : ill.,photos.
ISBN : 978-2-87340-378-2 : € 25,-
Texts: Xavier Canonne, François Coadou, Pauline de Laboulaye, Virginie Devillez, Alain de Wasseige, Sabine Forero,Julek Jurowicz, Eric Min, Aline Pujo, Daniel Vander Gucht
Philip Akkerman, Hélène Amouzou, Alain Bachet, Stephan Balleux, Fred Bervoets, Pierre Bettencourt, Michel Binstok, Tatiana Bohm, Christian Boltanski, Roland Breucker, Jacques Brissot, Pierre Buraglio, Christian Carez, Luciano Castelli, Thomas Chable, Jacques Charlier, Jean-Jules Chasse-Pot, Daniel Chust Peters,Cathy Coëz, Jérôme Considérant, Philippe De Gobert, Lara Denil, Alessandro Filippini, Gérard Fromanger, Manuel Hermia, Teun Hocks, Louis Jammes, Jirí Kolár, Marie-Jo Lafontaine, Sophie Langhor, Jean Le Gac, Matthias Lehmann, Jacques Lennep, Emilio López-Menchero, Jean-Claude Loubières, Frank Maieu, Jean-Pierre Marquet, Michaël Matthys, Raymond Minnen, Pierre Molinier, Johan Muyle, Fabrice Neaud, N.V. Paneel, Benoit Piret, Jean-Pierre Ransonnet, Laurent Sfar, André Stas, Boris Thiébaut, Fanny Viollet, Wang Wei Quartet, Thierry Zéno
Interview: Julek Jurowicz by Quentin de Ghellinck
Langues : Anglais Langues originales : Français Néerlandais
Catégories : Art plastique ; Catalogue ; Collection SMartBe ; Economie sociale ; SMart Mots-clés : 'SMartBe collection' 'Portraits of artists' 'artists' 'social economy corporate collection' 'selfportrait' Index. décimale : L. SMart Note de contenu : Portraits d’artistes (Portraits of artists) is a contemporary art collection that is one of a kind in Europe. Its originality lies in the theme: a multifarious interrogation into the artist's identity and their creation. This ongoing project was initiated in 2008 by a social economy structure that works to defend artists and accompany them along their professional path: a commitment that is the foundation for the collection's central theme.
The collection is built around a multiplicity of approaches: continuity in the history of art, especially via citations by contemporary artists and reinterpretations of old masterpieces; affirmation of the artist's place both in society and confronting it; a stroll through psychological dimensions of creation; and portraits of real or fictitious authors. Thus Portraits of Artists has taken shape, a panorama of the way artists of today and their predecessors since the 1960s display and stage their practices and, in so doing, build an image of themselves.
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